About OHI

Our purpose is to deliver exceptional customer outcomes from the air.

Headquartered in Lisbon, Portugal, and with operating subsidiaries in Brazil, Guyana, and Mozambique, we are Latin America’s largest provider of air mobility and delivery services and one of the world’s most dynamic players.

We support customers globally with impeccable service, offering diverse solutions offshore and onshore via helicopters, UAVs and AAM platforms.

Our mindset and passion for excellence drive us towards the highest standards of safety and operational excellence.  We operate a diverse fleet in multiple territories to deliver value to our customers with speed, efficiency, and flexibility.

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The Omni Way

We believe that long-lasting success stems from end-to-end alignment with customers’ priorities. We endeavour to provide rapid and purposeful solutions to complex requirements.

Our growth mindset means our leaders share a culture that embraces innovation and a ‘can do’ attitude to enhance our customers’ experience.  We promote distinctive behaviours within our organisation: striving to constantly improve, learning from challenges, harnessing cognitive diversity, and always keeping open and honest minds.

This is our ‘Omni Way’, which enables us to be nimble in moving at pace with changing customer needs.


Our leaders have an owner’s mindset that blends institutional and entrepreneurial traits, all reflected across internal and external stakeholders – we lead by example and live the Omni Way.

Our purpose-built leadership team has steered OHI through macroeconomic volatility and unprecedented growth to achieve a world-leading track record within the industry.  Our response to market dynamics continues to be grounded in the Omni Way and strengthened by our unwavering commitment to innovation, sustainability, and digitalisation.

Our Evolution

We are Latin America’s largest provider of vertical air mobility and delivery solutions, and one of the world’s most innovative players.

We first internationalise our business at the turn of the century when we established a Brazilian operation in support of that country’s offshore energy sector.  Important discoveries of high-quality reserves in the Pre-Salt region in 2006 acted as a catalyst for further exploration, development, and production of natural resources, which quickly transformed Brazil into one of the world’s largest users of offshore helicopters.

We soon became the absolute leader of the Brazilian market, operating the country’s most comprehensive vertical air mobility and delivery network, spanning over 12 bases and 11 fleet programs to best serve our customers’ evolving needs.

We actively supported the energy transition and inclusive socio-economic elevation agenda by diversifying our service offering to include onshore emergency response missions (e.g. medical rescue, forest patrol and firefighting), high-precision long-line cargo, and power grid construction and maintenance support. We expanded geographically by introducing offshore crew change and SAR services in two of the world’s fastest-growing offshore helicopter markets, Guyana, and Mozambique.

More recently, in anticipation of pivotal change across our covered territories, we diversified our service offering with the launch of two next-generation business units: OHI Unmanned, a specialist operator of heavy UAVs; and Revo, a data science-enabled AAM platform providing premium shuttle and bespoke charter services via helicopters, pending the introduction of electric vertical take-off and landing vehicles (eVTOLs).

Our Dynamism

Over the years we have developed a reputation for the highest standards of customer service, safety, and operational excellence.

We have done this by operating a diverse and modern air mobility fleet, delivering mission-critical services from an expanding network.

Combining our dynamic differentiators with the Omni Way has led us to embrace new technologies and mobilise new ventures in our markets.  As customer needs keep evolving, we will stay true to operational best practices, innovation, sustainability, and new technologies to deliver excellence in vertical air mobility and delivery services.


Innovation is at the core of OHI’s approach.

We challenge norms within our industry to innovate and exceed expectations.  We are continuously honing processes, upgrading technologies, and exploring sustainable use cases to redefine what is possible in a rapidly changing world.  We were the first in Brazil to introduce COVID transport protocols, set up a Search and Rescue capability, induct the use of super-medium helicopters for offshore crew transport, and revolutionise power grid construction by enhancing speed and environmental preservation through the use of heavy helicopter precision lifting techniques.

We are leading use case definition and aircraft specification with heavy (Class 1 and 2) UAVs for key customers, at a time when markets are just starting to discover the potential of this technology.  Our O-Lab unit delivers data science innovation for our offshore, onshore, UAV and AAM customers.  As we look ahead, we envision exciting new technologies and processes to create further value and improve the sustainability of our business (e.g. eVTOLs and Sustainable Aviation Fuels, or SAFs).

Successful innovation – blending the intangible with the tangible.

The Omni Way is the intangible foundation of OHI’s innovation. We encourage curiosity and promote diverse cognitive exchange at every level of decision-making. Our teams work across territorial and organisational boundaries to build ideas, share best practices, solve arising challenges and anticipate customers’ evolving needs, giving us the ability to operationalise unique solutions with speed.

We leverage this foundation with regimented ideation processes, alignment of interest and technology access, as well as folding the tangibles and the intangibles into the OHI Innovation Framework. This enables us to harness grassroots innovation and perform risk-managed experimentation – we strive to address conventional challenges with unconventional thinking.


We seek to be recognised as the foremost sustainability-focused operator in the vertical air mobility and delivery industry. We are committed to making OHI a more sustainable business by innovating and delivering use cases leading to sustainable missions.

Our offshore missions support the global energy transition and security, and inclusive socio-economic progress in all countries we operate in.  But we have been aiming for more.  Our sustainability commitment has led us to include missions for forest patrol and preservation to contribute to Brazil’s goal of Zero Illegal Deforestation by 2030, precision aerial support for power grid construction and maintenance that avoids forest clearing, critical search and rescue in remote areas to save lives, and the piloting of drone technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of offshore logistics.

We aim for full decarbonisation by 2050 via fuel use optimisation, SAFs, and solar energy integration. We consistently promote training and employment opportunities in our communities and support local talent development and integration, particularly in our Brazilian and Guyanese local teams. We strive to create a safe, balanced, ethical, transparent, and inclusive workplace for all our employees globally.

Read our latest Sustainability Report here:

2023 OHI Group Sustainability Report-English

2023 OHI Group Sustainability Report-Português

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Advancements in data science and digital tools are catalysing innovation worldwide. This is also true in our world of vertical air mobility and delivery.

We embrace data science and digital tools for external purposes (shaping how we bundle or enhance services to our customers) and internal ones (as tools for performance excellence).  We have developed proprietary digital tools that optimise Revo’s AAM schedules based on predicted traffic patterns in São Paulo, arm maintenance teams with climate change effects to upgrade their planning processes and guide fleet decisions on aircraft type reliability to boost performance.

OHI’s digital transformation starts with our growth mindset and is integral to our continuous improvement, setting us apart in the eyes of our customers and underpinning our on-time availability and efficiency differentiators.  Our approach exceeds conventional air mobility structures, leading us to ideate bundled multi-platform services.  We are piloting intelligence as a service (IAAS) combined with air delivery platforms to meet evolving customer needs in the future.  We are committed to staying at the forefront of progressive thinking in our industry.

image of pilots and their controls flying through the night sky

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